
Takafumi Nikaido

 “the professional drummer Takafumi Nikaido (also the production’s djembe coach) could easily steal the entire production. - the new york times

“A Takafumi Nikaido le envío nuestras felicitaciones por su profesionalidad, virtuosismo y dominio de las turbadoras”    -Giraldo Piloto Barreto (KLIMAX)

“To Takafumi Nikaido, I send my congrats for his professionalism, virtuosity, and control of his techniques on the congas“   

          -Giraldo piloto barreto (KLIMAX)

Takafumi Nikaido

Born in Sapporo Japan in the year 1993. 

Takafumi started playing the percussion at the age of 7 and studied under the Fujio Saito. 

Upon graduating high school he attended Berklee college of music as a scholarship student. He studied theory and performance from people such as Eguie Castrillo, Tiger Okoshi, Mark Walker, Oscar Stagnaro and Jim Odgren. During his time in Berklee he performed with artists such as Carlos Vives,Yosvany Terry, Oscar Feldman,Terence Blanchard,Jon Secada, Darren Barrett, Sivamani,Ruben Rada,Totó la Momposina,Mane De La Parra.He graduated Berklee College of Music in 2016 with a Bachelor’s Degree.

In 2014, he traveled to Cuba to attend the Fiesta del Tambor Percussion Competition where he received the “Best Foreign Entrant Award”. In his time in Cuba he studied with prominent percussionist Jose Luis Quintana “Changuito”, Adel Gonzalez, Adonis Panter Calderon, Barbaro Crespo “Machito”, and Osain Del Monte. 

During his time in Berklee he has performed at International Jazz Festival such as Montreal International Jazz Festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, DC Jazz Festival, and more.

Latin trio group “MIXCLA” was nominated for “International Artist of the Year” by Boston Music Awards 2018 and 2019.

As well as recorded percussion for soundtrack of “Final Fantasy XV”which is a video game series that has surpassed over 6-million sales worldwide and Anime “Dr.Stone original soundtrack”.

After he moved to NY in 2020, he is keep performing with legendary artists such as Paquito D’ Rivera, arturo o'farrill, and dayramir gonzalez.Next year, he is performing as ensemble/dummer at off-broadway musical “The Visitor“ directed by Daniel Sullivan who is Tony winner in 2001.(Latest Update Aug/2022)




高校卒業後、奨学生としてバークリー音楽大学に入学。音楽理論、演奏法をEguie Castrillo, Tiger Okoshi, Mark Walker, Oscar Stagnaro, Jim Odgrenに師事。また、在学中にCarlos Vives, Yosvany Terry, Oscar Feldman, Terence Blanchard, Jon Secada, Darren Barrett, Sivamani, Ruben Rada,Totó la Momposina, Mane De La Parra等様々なアーティストと共演。2016年秋にバークリー音楽大学学士号を得て卒業。

2014年にキューバで開催された大会”Fiesta Del Tambor 2014”にて最優秀外国人賞を受賞。キューバにてjose Luis Quintana “Changuiuto“, Adel Gonzalez, Adonis Pantar Calderon, Barbaro Crespo”Machito”, Osain Del Monteに師事。


自身が参加するラテントリオMIXCLAでBoston Music Award 2018,2019のInternational Artist of The Yearにノミネートされる。

また全世界売り上げ600万本を超えるビデオゲーム”Final Fantasy XV Soundtrack”や現在放送中のアニメ”Dr.Stone original soundtrack”などラテン音楽のみならず、様々なジャンルのレコーディングにも参加。

2020年度から拠点をNYに移してからも、Paquito D’ Rivera, Arutro O’farrill, Dayramir gonzalez など様々なアーティストと共演。2021年にはトニー賞受賞のDaniel Sullivan監督のオフブロードウェイミュージカル”The Visitor”にPercussionist/Actorとして参加した。
